Being armed security guards riverside, you want to make your surroundings sound safe, be it inside or outside. Maintaining safety inside the business still sounds simple, but it is never the same in the parking area. Want to know some tips to make the parking lot safer?

Below mentioned are the top 10 tips that will surely help you make the parking lot safer.

1.     Add lighting

Customers often complain about the difficulty they face while parking the cars in the dark. To make the parking lot safer, install lighting in every corner. Add eco-friendly, bright, and less glaring lights.

2.     Control traffic flow

Never let customers park the car messily and break the rules and regulations of the parking lot. The armed security guards riverside should control the traffic flow with adequate tools.

3.     Install cart corrals

This point is beneficial for supermarts or retail stores. Customers usually leave the shopping carts abundant in the parking lots, which act as obstacles for others. Install cart corrals and guide each customer to drop the shopping there; those who don’t, fine charges on them.

4.     Add pedestrian walkways

After parking the car, don’t let the customer walk across the car or jump over the bollards. Add pedestrian walkways for a proper walk without facing injuries. The walkway should be separate from the parking way.

5.     Install video monitoring

Even after giving 100%, there is room for improvement. Install video monitoring to cover the missing elements. Having this element will help the parking lot security guards to keep an eye even when they aren’t present there.

6.     24/7 patrolling

24/7 patrolling is crucial for the parking lot security guards. Robbers are hiding under or behind the cars waiting for the golden chances to break the car. 24/7 patrolling will eliminate the chances of robbery and keep the parking lot safe.

7.     Keep a record of who is coming and exiting

Maintain a visiting list of the customers. It helps in keeping a record if any mishap happens. Having a visiting list will save innocents from allegations and catch the guilty.

8.     Keep visitors away

Don’t let visitors gather around cars or cart corrals. Might be possible for some of them to go aggressive and damage the property. Allow only those whose name is in the entry list.

9.     Post rules and regulations suggestions

You aren’t present at every corner of the parking lot. At your back, some visitors might act unprofessionally, as they don’t know the rules. Post rules suggestions posts to inform them about the rules.

10.Control violent crimes

Depending on the location, some parking lots are under security threats, and parking lot security guards need to act smart. For instance, there are high chances of robberies, murders, and sexual harassment in casinos’ parking lots. Act attentive to prevent those crimes.

With the implementation of these tips, armed security guards riverside can make the parking lot safer than ever.