The security industry is growing rapidly, with almost 4 million workers across a range of disciplines. If you’re thinking about a career in security, you’ll be joining a wide range of people in roles that vary from physical to technical.

Here are five things you need to know if you’re thinking about a career in security:

Get the Right Training and Licensing

Security Guards need specific training and licensing to do their job well. In the UK, all security guards must meet the minimum requirements set by the Security Industry Authority (SIA), which includes having an SIA license. To get your SIA license, you must pass an exam and complete any necessary training courses. This ensures that all security professionals are equipped with the knowledge they need to provide adequate protection and security for their clients.

Know What Type of Security You Want to Provide

There are various types of security services that you can provide as part of your career in security. You must decide what area you want to focus on before moving forward with your plans. For example, if you want to work for a home security company in London, you should focus on getting experience in that field specifically, not just general experience as a security guard.

It’s more than just guarding

Physical security roles are at the forefront of most people’s minds when they think about careers in security. But there’s much more on offer than traditional guarding jobs.

Security companies work with businesses and individuals to protect their premises and property, staff and customers, and data and information. There are opportunities for all kinds of skillsets, from the physical protection of assets to IT support and cyber security.

A career in security is not for the faint-hearted

It is not for people with a faint heart or those afraid of heights! One of the most common roles is that of a security guard. This can range from working in corporate offices, shopping centers, or banks to protecting construction sites, nightclubs, or even major sporting events.

You can get trained on the job

You don’t need qualifications to start working in security. All you need is a valid license, and then it’s up to each company or client how they want to train you. You could get work-based training or additional courses in specialist areas like conflict management or first aid.

There are different routes into security

You could have worked as a police officer or military personnel, but if not, there are other ways of breaking into the industry, but here is what you should know before that.

What skills do I need?

You need to have certain basic and common skills if you want to work in this industry. For instance, you should be able to communicate effectively with others. You should also have good observational skills, assess situations, and respond appropriately. Another important skill is having the ability to follow instructions accurately and efficiently.

What types of jobs can I get?

As mentioned earlier, there are different types of jobs available within the field of security, and they differ depending on your qualifications and experience. For instance, you may work as a security guard at an airport or school, an armed officer at a bank, an alarm monitoring specialist or quality assurance supervisor, etc. The possibilities are endless!

Some helpful facts you should know

Security guards earn good pay

Security guards make more than minimum wage, and the average income for a guard in Canada is about $27,000 per year. Some security jobs pay much more than that, depending on where you work and how much experience you have. The average salary for a guard working at a hospital or university is around $40,000 per year.

Security Officers are not law enforcement officers

You need to understand that security officers are not law enforcement officers. They have no power of arrest and cannot issue fines or tickets. Their role is to observe, report, and respond accordingly to incidents.

Security Officers must be licensed

All security officers must be licensed and must also undergo training and pass the training and assessment requirements for licensing security providers and guards.

It’s a Competitive Field

The security industry is hot right now. Everyone wants to hire security people, but no one can find them. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 20% growth rate for security analysts between 2018 and 2028, much faster than the national average for all occupations.

Bottom Line

We would say that your character is what matters the most in the end. Be honest, as this will help you get good security-related jobs in the future. You must put your best in all you do because your past returns to haunt you. Always upgrade your skills to offer the best security services. Commitment and Dedication are important aspects of any job, but they can take you far in this career.

A career as a Security specialist has a lot to offer and is one of the most rewarding jobs available. How to take the first steps, though? If you’re thinking of embarking on a career in this field, this information will help you a lot.